Conus scalaris     (Martin, 1879)

Conus climax      (Tomlin, 1937)





Vorne wie hinten ist dies Gehäuse stark zugespitzt. Die aeht Umgänge des kegelförmigen Gewindes sind durch ausgeprägte Treppenabsätze von einander getrennt und tragen je drei, einfaehe Spiralstreifen. Letztere werden, wie bei der vorigen Art, von S-förmig gebogenen Anwaehästreifen durchschnitten ; doch ist diese Streifung nicht stark entwickelt. Der Stirnabschnitt der Schlusswindung besitzt etwa zwanzig stärkere und feinere Querstreifen. Der Umriss der Schale ist gradlinig.

Die Art steht der vorigen nahe, doch ist die Letztere durch den Mangel der vorderen Streifung, durch die stärkere Abstutzung ihrer Stirn und das flachere Gewinde getrennt. Ein Exemplar liegt vor. Fundort: K.


The case is sharply tapered at the front and back. The eight whorls of the conical thread are separated from each other by pronounced steps and each carries three simple spiral strips. The latter are, as in the previous species, cut through by S-shaped curved attachment strips; but this striation is not greatly developed. The front section of the final whorl has about twenty stronger and finer transverse stripes. The outline of the last whorl is straight.

The species is close to the former (Conus javanus), but the latter is distinguished by the want of anterior striation, the greater truncation of its forehead, and the shallower thread. A specimen is available. Location: K


La conchiglia è nettamente affusolata nella parte anteriore e posteriore. Le otto spire del filo conico sono separate l'una dall'altra da gradini pronunciati e ciascuna porta tre semplici strisce a spirale. Questi ultimi sono, come nelle specie precedenti, tagliati da strisce di attacco ricurve a forma di S; ma questa striatura non è molto sviluppata. La sezione anteriore della spirale finale presenta una ventina di strisce trasversali più forti e fini. Il contorno dell'ultima spirale è dritto. La specie è vicina alla precedente (Conus javanus), ma quest'ultima si distingue per la mancanza di striature anteriori, il maggiore troncamento della fronte e il filo meno profondo



Conus scalaris

Tav. II fig. 4


Conus scalaris

mm. 35,7

Regency of Jampang". South West of Nyalindung. West Java.

Altitude is around 1000 meter's, above sea level.

Middle Miocene Period

[ Shellauction ]




RGM.7622 | Conus scalaris Martin, 1879RGM.7622 | Conus scalaris Martin, 1879

Conus scalaris


Java, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn R

Upper Miocene




Conus scalaris

mm. 54,5 x 27,9

Collected by local mining residents, from land lost after rain in the highlands 1000 meters above sea level.

Middle Pliocene In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung. West Java INDONESIA

266-0003558296 [AZFC 563-01]

Conus scalaris

mm. 42,7 x 21,8

Collected by local mining residents, from land lost after rain in the highlands 1000 meters above sea level.

Middle Miocene In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung. West Java INDONESIA

265- 0003512845  [AZFC 563-02 ]





Conus scalaris

mm. 45

Dug from Sangiran area, West Java near Bengawan Solo river

Upper Miocene






RGM.7622 | Conus scalaris Martin, 1879

Conus scalaris

mm. 54,5 x 27,9

Middle Pliocene In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung. West Java INDONESIA

[AZFC 563-01]

Conus  scalaris

mm. 45

Dug from Sangiran area, West Java near Bengawan Solo river

Upper Miocene


Conus scalaris


mm. 43

Java, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn R

Upper Miocene


Conus scalaris

mm. 42,7 x 21,8

Middle Miocene In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung.


[AZFC 563-02 ]




Conus scalaris


Collected by local mining residents, from land lost after rain in the highlands 1000 meters above sea level. MIDDLE MIOCENE In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung. West Java INDONESIA

mm. 42,6

265- 0003512845  [AZFC ]









·         (1) - Martin (1879) “Die Tertiarschichten auf Java”

·         (2) - Hoek Ostende, L. W. van den; Leloux, J.; Wesselingh, F. P.; Winkler Prins, C. F. (2002). Cenozoic Molluscan types from Java (Indonesia) in the Martin Collection (Division of Cenozoic Mollusca), National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. NNM Techincal Bulletin. 5: 1-130, 3 pls. Leiden